DescendAnts of the Grand Midwives scholarship

This scholarship is to help you to get back to the roots you desire. We understand the importance of making sure that Black families have access to Black Midwives when birthing babies. Recipients of this scholarship are passionate and committed to serving Black families and their babies in the DC metro area.

We want to help lessen barriers you may be facing to help you successfully become a Midwife. These barriers may include but are not limited to the cost of tuition, mentorship, housing, transportation and childcare.


  • Must identify as Black, African-American, Afro-Caribbean, Nubian

  • Must reside in the DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) Area

  • Must plan to support local families in the DMV Area

  • Must have an acceptance letter to the college of your choice and/or already enrolled

  • Must have attended a minimum of three births (in any capacity: Doula, Birth Assistant, family member or friend)

  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA to be eligible for future scholarships and or progress with current preceptor for PEP.


Application open: Spring 12/1 to 12/31 Fall 7/1 to 7/31

Interviews: Spring 1/2 to 1/15 Fall 8/1 to 8/15

ANNOUNCEMENT: Spring 1/23 Fall 8/23