Congratulations to Our First DGM Scholarship Awardees!

The Supporting Sunrise Advisory Board had a plan. It was to solicit applications from student midwives interested in receiving support for their journey to becoming midwives. We stuck to this part of the plan. Then, as planned, we selected which applicants we would interview, interviewed them and, from that group, selected the two awardees. Done, done and done.

The next step in our plan was to email them in a few days to let them know. But then we thought about it a little bit more. These two awards were our first ever to give as an organization. This was a big deal! These awards were going to help the recipients reach their goals sooner and with less struggle. So, it was a big deal for them, too. We decided to scrap our email plan.

Instead, we called them on Instagram. And are we ever glad we did! We got to look at each other face to face to tell each awardee that they were selected. I will not forget that moment or that feeling. It was fantastic. We are so pleased to be part of their story and honored that they are part of ours. Please enjoy the next blog post, which introduces the first ever Supporting Sunrise DGM Scholarship recipients, Hadassah Burt-Miller and Mel Kennedy.