Lactation FAQ's

  1. How long will the application stay open?

    The application will remain open for one month. 9/1-9/30

  2. Do you offer mentorship?

    (Starting in 2023, scholarship recipients)You will you have access to a private Facebook Page, where you’ll be able to ask questions as they come up for you.

  3. Who is the training with?

    The training is an online training done at your own pace with Childbirth International.

  4. I have a personal relationship with someone on the advisory board, can i apply?

    Starting Fall 2023 Family and Friends of advisory board members cannot apply.

  5. How much do each SCHOLARSHIP Recipient RECEIVE?

    With this scholarship each recipient will receive a code that will give automatic access to the course.

  6. How Many Doula SCHOLARSHIPS are you giving out for the 2023 year?

    We will be giving out 4 Lactation Scholarships

  7. When do applications open?

    September 1- September 30th

    If you have any other questions, please comment below and we will update the FAQ’s to reflect them.